Eyecycle 25th Anniversary Party!

Lots of great conversations at the party!
Lots of great conversations at the party!

On October 18, 2019 hosted it’s 25th Anniversary Party at the Polidori Sausage plant on Dahlia Street. Many people attended and had a great time. Of course the food was superb and was cooked in the Polidori kitchen right off the dining room and lobby area. There was also a raffle for many cool items, so some lucky people got to leave with some neat prizes.

President Theresa Montano
President Theresa Montano and master of ceremonies extraordinaire.

More photos from the party can be seen on our Photos page.

Eyecycle Colorado Showcased by CBS4 TV

bikers riding tandemCheck out this great article and video CBS4 did on Eyecycle Colorado! Eyecycle’s very own Susan Gengler was in the spotlight this time. Way to go Sue! https://denver.cbslocal.com/2019/09/29/eyecycle-colorado-volunters-visually-impaired/

From the video:

“Susan has been riding for eight years and doesn’t plan on quitting anytime soon. She just hopes more sighted volunteers will sign up to ride so more visually-impaired people will get enjoy the thrill of cycling in Colorado and make new friends.

‘It’s just a great way to just meet a wide variety of great people,’ Susan said.”